Are you perfectly imperfect? Discover how to be comfortable with who you are, on this episode of Infinite Success Radio. This week, I reveal how to eliminate insecurity, accept your imperfections, and celebrate your wins. Learn how to silence the naysayers and walk your truth. Plus, I share how to let your God-given talents shine so that you can be your best self and live your best life.
Show Notes – Perfectly Imperfect:
- Being perfectly imperfect means that we learn to accept (and appreciate) what we don’t like about ourselves.
- Know that no one is perfect and no one’s life is perfect.
- How to be comfortable with who you are today:
- Tip #1: Focus on the present (where you are today).
- Consider the positive aspects about yourself by asking questions like…
- What do I like best about myself?
- What are my natural talents and abilities?
- What are my God-given gifts?
- What do I do that I’m really good at?
- What makes me unique?
- Celebrate what you’ve already done that’s great.
- Tip #2: Be your true self by being more authentic.
- Follow paths that line up with your priorities, values, and what you want in life.
- Example of authenticity from Chris Pratt.
- You are great, just the way you are!
- What matters is what’s true for you, not what someone else thinks.
- Tip #3: Eliminate insecurity and boost your confidence.
- Challenging ourselves first, helps us gain confidence.
- Where can you get a win?
- Example of a woman feeling insecure about her image.
- How can you challenge yourself and become more confident as a result?
- Get a copy of my book, Breaking Through and #BITPOAD wristband.
- Tip #4: Small changes in daily habits and routines can equal big results.
- Only compare yourself to yourself. Beat your best instead of comparing yourself to someone else.
- Focus on your strengths and what you’re doing well.
- Recognize and appreciate the positive things about yourself.
- Tip #5: Mindset plays a role in how you feel and your level of confidence.
- What happens when we focus on gratitude?
- Implement a daily habit of gratitude.
- Examples of how to add positive affirmations to your daily practice.
- Tip #5: Making belief adjustments could be key to your success
- Instead of “I can’t” say, “how can I? What could I do differently?”
- Instead of believing you can’t, believe that you CAN.
- Examples of belief adjustments.
- Start believing that you are in control and that you can get better results.
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