The expression, “live your dreams,” might sound cliché to some, but it’s actually an empowering way to live life to the fullest. So in today’s video, I talk about living your dreams, how failure moves us forward, and why it’s essential to Believe in the Power of a Dream. Whether you have big dreams, small dreams, or super scary dreams; your dreams, goals, and aspirations are important and worth pursuing.
In the past, I settled for what life threw my way. Frustrated and discouraged, I reached a point where I had practically stopped dreaming and believing that I could ever achieve my goals. When tragedy struck, I discovered how short life can be, and that realization caused me to take drastic steps to change my life. In doing so, I discovered that dreams DO come true, and it IS possible to achieve goals, even the big ones! We just have to know what steps to take.
On a mission to encourage, inspire, and empower others to believe in themselves and their dreams, I created the #BITPOAD message and wristbands, which are impacting communities around the world. Learn more inside today’s video and let’s connect on Facebook.
Believe in the Power of a Dream Video Highlights:
- I’ve been using the phrase; “Believe in the Power of a Dream,” for years, it’s even my trademark and can be found on wristbands.
- Everything starts with a dream.
- Often, the older we get, the more we forget about what we really want.
- We forget about our dreams and aspirations.
- We forget that we are capable of doing amazing things.
- Believe in the Power of a Dream (#BITPOAD) reminds us that no matter where we come from—or what happens in life—as long as you believe in your dreams, don’t give up, and keep moving forward, you’re going to get there.
- Sometimes it’s about working toward goals.
- Sometimes it’s about having the confidence to do something you’ve never done before.
- Believe in yourself and believe in the Power of a dream.
- Get clear about what you want in life and then go out and make it happen.
- Nothing is stopping you, except for yourself.
- Will there be challenges and setbacks? Yes.
- Will it always be easy? Absolutely not.
- When you have goals and dreams that matter to you, it doesn’t matter if it’s hard or if you fail a few times along the way. What matters is that you get back up and keep moving forward.
- Failures are okay, they move us toward success.
- Don’t give up on yourself.
- Make something amazing happen in your life and in your business.
Rachel Aspen
P.S. What dreams are you working toward? No matter how big or small, I’d love to hear them in the comments below! To learn more about achieving goals and how to get results now, check out this episode of Infinite Success Radio.
P.P.S. Join the cause! Order your Believe in the Power of a Dream wristbands* today. Send an email to info@ConnectWithRachel.com for pricing and color options. *A portion of the proceeds goes to charity. Believe in the Power of a Dream video
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