Are you tired of being stressed out and constantly struggling to find time for yourself? Make a fresh start by discovering simple ways to invest in yourself. On this episode of Infinite Success Radio, I reveal how to quickly and easily eliminate burnout and frustration. If you don’t take care of yourself, who will? Find out why self-care is important to your success. Plus, I share how to boost your energy and enthusiasm along with practical ways to eliminate conflict.
Show Notes – Ways To Invest In Yourself:
- We are creating our reality through our thoughts and beliefs.
- What happens when we focus on the negatives in life?
- Tip #1: Turn your attention to the positives. Focus on the positive aspects of life.
- What are your talents and abilities?
- What are the positive aspects of your relationships?
- Burnout fades away as you focus more on the positives.
- Tip #2: Give yourself quality, quiet time on a daily basis.
- Go on a walk. Use meditation and/or prayer. Take a hot bath etc.
- Example of what happens when you don’t give back to yourself.
- It’s important to fill your cup back up each day.
- It’s not about what other people say or think about us. It’s about what we think about ourselves.
- Tip #3: Tell yourself that you matter!
- The words you tell yourself make a big difference.
- You are here for a reason and a purpose.
- You have within you the seeds of greatness.
- If you don’t give back to yourself, who will?
- People will tell you that you’ll fail – do it anyway.
- Choose to ignore the negative. Refuse to listen to those who tear you down.
- For ideas on how to overcome negative thinking check out this previous episode.
- Tip #4: Invest in yourself by hiring help.
- Examples might include: coaches or trainers, increasing your education, attending workshops and conferences etc.
- Purchase books on specific strategies or skillsets you want to learn about.
- Tip #5: Boost your energy by doing something for yourself that’s fun and exciting!
- Consider doing something you used to enjoy (painting, dance class, writing, sports leagues etc.)
- You’re never too old to do the things you want to do.
- Quick strategy to eliminate conflicts:
- Ask yourself, “What did I do that contributed to the conflict?”
- Conflicts can (and often to) decrease as a result of changes to your attitude and mood.
- As you invest in yourself, you may become easier to get along with.
- You might become more patient.
- Your thoughts and beliefs are your reality.
- If you don’t like where you are, change it.
- Tip #6: Consider your environment and identify areas for improvement.
- The environment around you has an impact on your attitude and emotions.
- Example of how my environment affected me with the loss of my dog.
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