Be encouraged and inspired! Discover simple ways to find joy in everyday life. From stressful jobs to tragedies and setbacks, finding joy can be tough at times. So join me as I reveal ways to find joy in the midst of struggles and setbacks. Find out how a shift in mindset can boost your happiness. Plus, I share a foolproof strategy for increasing joy on a daily basis, regardless of what life throws your way.
Show Notes – Find Joy In Everyday Life:
- To find joy in everyday life, it’s important to focus on and find things to be grateful for in our lives today.
- Stress can be a big challenge.
- Sometime we work at jobs we’re not passionate about, but that’s okay. It can be a stepping-stone that moves you forward.
- Find joy in that job that you don’t love right now.
- My story about having a job I wasn’t passionate about and being in a place where I wasn’t operating with purpose.
- What do you do that makes you happy?
- Tip #1: Master Your Mindset:
- Consider how you view life. Do you find joy in every situation?
- When you focus on the negatives, you find more negativity around you.
- Example of starting your day on a negative vs. a positive.
- Start everyday by focusing on things you can be joyful about.
- Music you love, great podcast, enjoying the blue sky, rainy day you enjoy, etc.
- Perspective is key. Focus on the positives even when it’s hard to find joy.
- Challenge the negative thoughts.
- Tip #2: Make the decision to find joy in everyday life.
- Do more things that make you feel joyful every day.
- Do things you used to enjoy as a kid (paint, go fishing, play a sport, spend time outdoors etc.)
- Surround yourself with things that make you feel great.
**If you’ve been struggling with depression or hopelessness, please reach out to a healthcare provider for guidance and support for your unique situation.
- Tip #3: Use a gratitude journal to focus on what brings you joy.
- Can be in any form like stored on computer, phone, or written in a notebook.
- Title one sheet with JOY or Happiness and then make a list of the things that make you feel great.
- Title one sheet with GRATITUDE and write down everything you’re grateful for each day.
- Use your lunch break at work to write down your gratitudes.
- Try this for a week and then share your results with me!
- Take a picture of what makes you joyful today then SHARE it with me on social media.
- How to use appreciation in finding joy in your life.
- Consider things in your home or environment that you appreciate and that bring you joy.
- Don’t rely on your feelings, but use them as a guide.
- Be a positive influence in someone else’s life by finding joy in your everyday life.
Resources Mentioned:
Previous episodes about finding happiness and finding your purpose.
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