What Does Courage Look Like?

 Rachel O’Brien-Eddy, Personal Transformation Expert & Success Coach

This is the face of someone who is courageous – here’s why…

It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in. It takes courage to challenge the status quo. It takes courage to be honest and to follow your dreams. It takes courage to stand up for yourself & others. And it takes courage to be your best.
As a child I learned to be courageous – to stand up for myself and others – because I was tired of being a victim of abuse. As an adult I continue to be courageous and to challenge the status quo in business and in life.

Why Do I Choose To Be Courageous?

I don’t think there’s a simple answer to that question. I remember playing on the playground during recess in elementary school. I noticed a little girl being picked on by a couple of “mean girls”. I saw the heartbroken look in her eyes as they tormented her and I simply couldn’t stand by and do nothing. So I took action and got involved by telling the mean girls to stop. Sadly, I was the only person who stuck up for this particular girl and I’m sure you can imagine the result… I got picked on because of it. Not only for that day, but for the next 3 years. I became target #1 for those mean girls and they were relentless.
While being picked on for standing up for what’s right may have stopped most people dead in their tracks (no one likes to be picked on) do you think that stopped me? No way! I continued to voice my opinion because it was the right thing to do. On that playground I had the chance to defend someone who was being mistreated and I did so in hopes that the “mean girls” would stop. Having been a victim of abuse early in life I’ve always believed that everyone deserves to have someone stick up for them… in my case, I learned that I had to be the one to stick up for myself.

Will You Be Courageous?

Far too often people do not use courage anymore, they simply buckle under fear or pressure from others. But we can all be courageous if we choose to be. We can be courageous at home by being honest with our family. We can be courageous at work by taking on new challenges. We can be courageous as entrepreneurs by ignoring the haters who tell us we’ll never succeed. We can be courageous in society by challenging the status quo and becoming everything God created us to be. There are many ways to be courageous, the question is will you choose to be courageous in your life?

SHARE this post if you will! Plus add your thoughts in the comments – I’d love to hear how YOU are being courageous. Remember to visit my website for more inspiration and actionable wisdom to help you succeed in business and life.

With Love and Belief,
P.S. Follow me on twitter and listen live to my radio show – Infinite Success™ Radio every Friday at 8 am Pacific.