Be bold and courageous! Join me to discover the key to finding courage and unlocking your full potential. To achieve our goals and live our dreams, we must develop unshakeable faith and the courage to face our fears. It’s not always easy to try something new or to be in the spotlight where negativity and criticism often thrive. So on this episode, I reveal simple ways to boost confidence and gain total belief in yourself so that you can become an influential leader and trailblazer in your industry. Become the passionate, powerful, and purpose-driven leader you want to be. Discover how to find your courage, this week on Infinite Success Radio.
Show Notes – Be Bold And Courageous:
The key to finding Courage and unlocking your full potential:
- Key: Know what you want.
- As life goes on we often lose sight of the things we want.
- We might stay in a job we hate, hang around with people we don’t enjoy, remain stuck in our circumstances etc.
- Lots of things we do are just part of our everyday life rather than things we actually want.
- If nothing held you back what would you choose?
- Ask yourself, “If I could have, do, be or contribute anything in life, regardless of my circumstances, what would I choose?”
- Give yourself a moment to tap into your desires and to dream.
- As soon as excuses or reasons why you can’t pop into your mind, put them aside.
- Examples of questions to ask yourself.
- My story about studying in Paris…
- The result of facing my fears.
- Common fears: “What if I fail? What if I succeed?”
- My new book, Cally and Me, is a result of facing fears and taking action.
- Dare yourself to take a risk and step out on faith. We have all failed in life at one time or another and that’s okay.
What are you doing in your life to be bold & courageous today? Share your story with me.
How to find the courage to go after your dreams:
- Step One: Develop beliefs that serve your highest good.
- What do you believe about yourself, your potential, and about life in general?
- What thoughts are running through your mind?
- Become aware of how you think.
- Previous episode overcoming negative thinking.
- Step Two: Focus on your strengths.
- Don’t compare your weaknesses against someone else’s strengths.
- What are your natural talents and abilities?
- Focus on your personal strengths and the improvements you’ve already made.
- Make a wins list.
- Step 3: Be bold! Do one thing each day that scares you.
- Step 4: Know your why.
- Know why you pursue a particular goal/dream. Know what motivates you and moves you forward. What’s the burning desire?
- Knowing your why gives you the courage to continue moving forward in the face of adversity.
- You have the opportunity to make a greater impact.
- When you are purpose-driven, you are willing to do things that scare you.
- Challenge yourself! Get a couple friends together and do something that scares you.
- Step 5: Stop caring what other people think.
- When working toward your dreams there will be people who are jealous. There will be doubters, haters, and naysayers because that’s part of life.
- Follow your heart, live your best life, and keep working toward your dreams, regardless of what anyone else says.
- Life can be quite short so seize the moment and live every day to the fullest.
- Example of my old, “maybe someday” mindset and how it held me back.
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