A name is just a name—or is it?
Many parents spend hours agonizing (and sometimes arguing) over what to name their kids. I still remember the brainstorming sessions and lengthy lists of options I considered when choosing what to call my boys. A name isn’t just a name. We are known by our names. Names have meaning, symbolism, and are the ultimate representation of who we are as we move through life. Although we are given names at birth, sometimes those names don’t fit us for one reason or another.
As an author, speaker, and coach, I am my brand, and I want to be known by a name that embodies who I am and what my brand represents. Over the last several months, I found myself playing with the idea of changing my name. From a business perspective, this is considered rebranding, but on a broader scale, it will allow me to work from a place of greater authenticity.
Having celebrated my birthday recently, the time to make the change has finally arrived. I’m excited to officially announce my new name, Rachel Aspen, a name that honors my Irish roots and love of nature while symbolizing strength, fearlessness, and faith. While every day offers us a fresh start, I see every birthday as the beginning of a new chapter, a time where we can refocus our efforts and move toward our goals and dreams with renewed clarity and determination. That’s what this year represents for me, and I hope it does for you as well. You don’t need to change your name to make a fresh start; it just happens to be the right move for me.
The Story Behind Rachel Aspen:
Sacred and Spiritual
From my earliest childhood memories, I’ve always been and a tree lover. While living in the Middle East, people often asked me what I missed the most from back home in America. I usually said, “I miss the trees.” When days were long, and greenery was sparse—lots of sand, not so many trees—memories of tall pines covered in emerald needles filled my mind and left me longing for home.
When contemplating and praying about transitioning to a new name, it was the connection to Ireland and my Celtic roots that first attracted my attention to the Aspen tree. Throughout history, aspens have been considered sacred by many cultures. Known as the whispering tree because of its leaves, which appear to tremble in the slightest breeze, aspens were considered a source of inspiration and enlightenment. Some even say that you can sit under their canopy and hear from God. Whether that’s true or not, the Aspen offers a gentle reminder to reconnect to nature and to our faith—something that’s served me well throughout my life.
Strength and Protection
Historically, Aspens have also been a symbol of strength and protection. Celtic warriors used its lightweight bark as shields, and many believed it provided both physical and spiritual protection. In Ireland, the Aspen was known as the shield makers’ tree and was so sacred in Scotland (as a fairy tree) that to cut one down was akin to killing your fellow man. Thus, Aspen trees created a barrier—whether real or perceived—of strength and protection.
Another example of its strength comes straight from science, which tells us that aspens flourish despite challenging conditions. In fact, their roots can stay alive underground for many years, and when the trees are damaged or killed by fire, logging, or other disruptions, the buds are stimulated to begin sprouting. Much like the Aspen, I’ve learned to thrive through the challenges I’ve faced. Although friends, colleagues, and clients have called me the “strongest” person they know, I can honestly say that I am NOT the strongest or the bravest, but like the Aspen, I am resilient—I have a strong will to win and to overcome the obstacles I face.
If any doubt remained that the name, Rachel Aspen, was the perfect fit for me, I need only look to my knowledge of the Bach Flower Remedies for a final sign. For nearly two years, I’ve studied the remedies under the guidance of The Bach Centre in Mount Vernon—outside London—where I’ve come to understand that Aspen treats unknown fears. Fear is an emotion many of us struggle with (yep, I do too) and if left unresolved, can quickly take hold and block us from living our best lives. Aspen, as a natural remedy, creates a positive outcome—fearlessness!
“Fearlessness, because the power of love stands behind and overcomes all things.
Once realized, we are beyond pain, suffering, care, worry, fear, and become participants of true joy.
Such faith causes a desire for adventure, for experiences with disregard for difficulty or danger.” –Dr. Edward Bach
As you can see, the meaning and symbolism behind Aspen resonates with me at a deep level and is the perfect fit for my name, Rachel Aspen. It evokes a sense of courage, confidence, and strength that can motivate us to spread our wings, overcome fear, and pursue our dreams. Choosing to be fearless and to take a leap of faith doesn’t mean we have no fear, it means we face our fears with the faith and belief that we will overcome them.
The Logo: Meaning and Symbolism
Friends and clients will tell you that practically everything I do has meaning and symbolism behind it; they’re right. While I may not be a traditional artist, my work (written, spoken, and otherwise) is my art form. When designing the new logo, I wanted to convey a message that embodies who I am and what my brand signifies. The logo is simple and straightforward, yet contains subtle and relatively abstract symbols. Can you see them?
Here’s a little hint: We see the butterfly, a well-known symbol of transformation; a core message I’ve been teaching about for years. Now look at the curved brushstroke it sits on. Then look at the curved brushstroke attached to the ‘h,’ what do you see? You’ll notice that the lines don’t connect at the top; this is intentional. They are meant to form the shape of an open heart. Love is one of the greatest gifts we can give others and ourselves. When we open our hearts, we can give and receive love, which is what every human wants and needs—whether they recognize it or not. For me, the heart symbol represents my genuine love for people and is a core theme in the work I do.
The next layer of symbolism is a bit more abstract. The open heart design mimics the shape of an aspen leaf, which looks very much like a heart. Most people won’t see this initially, but it’s there as a subtle reminder of our inner strength, fearless courage, and divine protection.
Whether you stumbled on my website today or you’ve been following me for years, I’m grateful that you’re here and I hope you enjoyed reading the story behind my name. I believe we are here for a reason, and together, we can encourage, inspire, and empower one another to live our dreams and create the success we desire. Like you, my journey has been a bit crazy at times, and I’ve encountered significant challenges and heartbreaking realizations that have rocked me to the core. However, through it all, I still believe that we can face our fears and challenges with faith, knowing that love stands behind and overcomes all things.
P.S. For more inspiration, motivation, and success tips & strategies, join my email community below!
P.P.S. Comment below and share what you like best about your name! Does it have a special meaning? I’d love to hear your stories.
- How can I find you on Social Media?
- What is changing?
- My professional name has changed from, Rachel O’Brien-Eddy, to Rachel Aspen.
- New Logo! I’ve redesigned my logo; do you see the hidden symbol(s)?
- Social media handles have also changed. You can now find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using @TheRachelAspen and #BITPOAD (Believe in the Power of a Dream).
- My website—ConnectWithRachel.com—has been given a fresh update and displays my new name, Rachel Aspen. We will continue making small adjustments over the coming weeks.
- Previous episodes of Infinite Success Radio, are available via my website and on your favorite podcast platforms (iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, etc.) however, I will be transitioning the show to a new format in the coming months. Stay tuned for more details.
- All new articles, blog posts, interviews, and written work will be under my new name, Rachel Aspen.
- What is staying the same?
- Everything you’ve grown to know and love about my work and me will remain the same. You can still work with me as a coaching client and follow my writing, teaching, and trainings.
- Everything you’ve grown to know and love about my work and me will remain the same. You can still work with me as a coaching client and follow my writing, teaching, and trainings.
- What about your books? Can we still buy them?
- Yes, you can still purchase books as you’ve done in the past. The only difference is the author name, which is Rachel O’Brien-Eddy. In the future books will be listed under my new author name, Rachel Aspen.
You are incredible.